Call for Interactive Events

The Interactive Events track’s aim is to allow researchers to present their ideas and early work in designing AI systems, as well as to engage and solicit feedback from the wider AIED community. Participants would get the opportunity to showcase interactive demonstrations of AI systems that have implications for education.

We encourage authors submitting papers or posters to the main conference to also propose demoing their system in this track. In this way, attendees can experience your work interactively in addition to your formal presentation.

The track welcomes multiple types of learning and educational systems that connect to this year’s conference theme, “Mind the Gap: AIED for Equity and Inclusion. These systems may include adaptive educational environments, educational games, intelligent tutoring systems, agent-based learning environments, learning management systems, interactive visualizations, and other novel interactive tools. We also welcome any data-driven and/or analytics based EdTech innovation to the interactive event.

Interactive presentations can include systems running in various modalities (such as a stand-alone app, on the web, on a mobile device, or in virtual reality), as well as early-stage interactive mock-up applications. 

Submissions will undergo peer review for relevance to the AIED community in general and as an interactive demonstration in particular.

Submission Instructions

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A submission to the Interactive Events track requires a proposal summary and a video, with the following guidelines:

  1. A Word of PDF proposal summary, 1-2 pages (font size 12), including:
    • Title and authors;
    • Summary of the system to be demoed, including the context in which it was developed if relevant;
    • The system’s potential impact;
    • Relevance to this year’s AIED theme is a plus (but not a requirement).
  2. A link to a video (e.g., posted on YouTube or shared on Google Drive). 
    • Videos should be of reasonable quality, a maximum of two minutes long and showcase both the functionality and significance of your system.

The Evaluation Criteria

An Interactive Event program committee will be set up with members from the Conference Program Committee. The Interactive Event Chairs (in consultation with this Committee) will select proposals based upon expected interest to AIED attendees, interactivity, scientific value, originality, innovation and potential logistic constraints. Commercial products are eligible, but sales and marketing activities are not appropriate. We welcome demonstrations of systems that were already presented or published, as long as the submitted demonstrations reveal a new angle relevant to AIED. 

Presentation Form and Content

Each presenter will have two minutes to present the video and another five minutes to give an accompanying firehose presentation.

Depending on the number of accepted submissions, the Interactive Events will run in one or more sessions to provide the opportunity for hands-on interaction. Active participation of AIED participants in the Interactive Event session(s) will be fostered. Additional details will be provided when closer to the conference dates.

The videos will be showcased online at

Important Dates

Industry & Innovation Chairs